Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Gothic Architecture During the Middle Ages Essays

Gothic architecture a new style developing from an old style of architecture with similar characteristics and in a way different. Architects wanted to build bigger buildings with stronger walls something that could not be found elsewhere. The old buildings did not have windows they were dark places that in order to get light they needed many candles. Not even the candles could give the right amount of light the buildings needed. The middle ages architects wanted big windows on the buildings and this new style made their wish come true. Architecture during the Middle Ages became a new style with new problems to solve and a new kind of extraordinary buildings to build. The world was changing, and Europeans’ perceptions of it as reflected†¦show more content†¦This remarkable improvement in methods indicates the fresh importation of skills from the East and this applies not merely to England but to all Western Europe at that time (â€Å"The Flowering† 88). Into thr ee main phases the development of architecture through the period may be divided. The elements of Gothic style and their gradual elaboration over a period of rather more than a century came first at the opening of the 12th century. After the year 1000 there was a fully coordinated Gothic art particularly marked by the invention of windows with baltracy, Jean d’ Orbais probably used it first at Rheims cathedral during the generation following 1211, why the east end was begun. A century followed with classic poise in which an international architecture reached its peak and produce perfect forms of castle and palace, cathedrals enriched with painting patterned tiles, figure sculpture and stained glass (â€Å"The Flowering† 92). The 12th century Gothic builders were the first to discover how to construct great buildings were their stability depended upon knowing how to transmit the thrust through specific parts of the structure, the buttresses that formed its skeletal and the ribs not upon the thickness of their walls. The result was a dynamically stable architecture capable of buildingShow MoreRelatedComparison of Two Historical Art Periods1131 Words   |  5 Pages Comparison of Two Historical Art Periods: Middle Ages (Gothic) and Renaissance Architecture Christina Plunkett Western Governors University IWT1 Humanities Task 1 Gothic style came about in the middle of the twelfth century. It was named after the Goths that controlled France during that time. It was developed as a result of Christian ideals. Christian leaders wanted big, tall, ornate churches to represent their strong faith. Later it was also used for non-religious buildingsRead MoreEssay on Medieval Art1111 Words   |  5 Pagesand churches. 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